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08 July 2014

poor tuesday...kind of just there....nothing special about tuesdays...
Monday is like, ugh,its monday, the start of the week, sooooo far from friday and the weekend.
Wednesday is HUMP day!! Wow!! The week is half over!! only 2 days till the weekend!!
Thursday is WOW..tomorrow is friday!!! The end of the week!!
FRIDAY!! Self explanatory...the end of the work week, and for some its payday, and the start of the weekend!! (although some have to work :( )

Tuesday is kind of alone...not much to do on tuesday....you usually don't even schedule appointments on tuesday.
Well, Tuesday and Thursday will be my Big walk days!! I just have to get my balance back and we will be good to go!

This stupid gabapentin is driving me nuts!! I am so off balance, and woosy its just not funny!! I actually hit the floor yesterday. It was a controlled fall of sorts. The hilarious kind that takes place in slow motion, and no matter what you do, you end up prone on the floor! The great thing about it was I wasn't hurt. Pissed me off though!

I am waiting for a message back from my DR. to see what we are going to do about this. I want off, I just started 2 pills 3 times a day. Only did that for 2 days, I'm starting to ween myself, I will take 2 pills twice a day this week, like last week, and then one pill twice a day,etc, until I get an answer. I even gained 3 pounds back!!! Dam drugs...they don't even help with what they are prescribed for!!
Oh well!!

In other news, I got a really big complement from a neighbor. She said I am "looking great!" She just can't get over the difference she said...lol!! Made my night!!
I'm kind of counting down now to the full extraction too. My sister is starting to plan the family picnic that she has for my mom. I told my mom that I would make the cucumber salad that she likes, but I wouldn't be able to eat it. She said why, and I told her that I would be freshly toothless!!! lol!! I know there will be this awesome fried chicken, the good thing is I can probably remove that skin and gum the meat into submission!!! I will just have to "wing" it!! :)

Well, enough babbling!!
Have a great Tuesday!!!

Lu =^.^=

02 July 2014

Hump Day!!!

I'm up unnaturally early! I have to take the hubby to work, and I have an appointment at 3, so I need the car. I hope I can make it to the gym today too. Made scrambled eggs for breakfast, and had a small glass of chocolate milk, and drinking my coffee. I'm good to go now!! All fueled up and ready for the day!! I think I may just go out and start those fence panels that I have been after the hubby to make.

I think I'll try to get in a good walk today too. I need to get more motivated, and I've been getting into the candy lately. I also bought some freeze pops, and those are only 60 calories each, but have I been eating only one? nooooo....got to have 3!! I know it isn't going to break me, but I have to get out of that habit! I need to make a healthy alternative. I need to get some of those tupperware ice pop molds! I know I saw some somewhere, I just can't remember where!!

I know I want to try to hit one of the farmers markets soon. I want to start canning some potatoes and tomatoes. And some apples too! The hubby just smiles, and kind of rolls his eyes. I told him that the apples and potatoes are for him! He kind of gave me a little fuss when I bought some cotton yarn the other day. I told him it was for Christmas presents. He said, what about all the yarn you have right there!! You must have over $50 worth of yarn there!! I told him, yea, I do, but that is for hats, and gloves, and sweaters, it isn't the right kind to make washcloths and dish cloths and aprons with!! He gave up and gave in! Gotta love him!

Well, I'm off...have a fabulous day today!!! Keep up the great work and keep on keeping on!!! Love you all!!!

Lu =^.^=

01 July 2014

Its Tuesday, and I missed recording everything yesterday. Oh farts.
Well, I'll record today, and try to remember what I did yesterday.

I think I'm going to go goofy if I don't get my new CPAP soon. I am starting to want to sleep and having a really hard time waking up. When I had the one I was suppose to have, I felt awesome and awake!! Full of energy!! Since its been gone, (long story) I'm getting back to the sleeping 10 hours and dragging my arse out of bed!! I hate that!!! At first I thought it was the new pills, but I've been waking up with the Sahara desert dryness in my mouth!! That comes with gasping and snoring etc. Been there, went away with my cpap. At least its just that and not with supplemental O2. I hope it will come soon. I have been getting my medical care now through the VA, and I had to go to Pittsburgh to the sleep clinic at the VA there. They are REALLY slow, notoriously so, and really backed up too. They finally sent down the recommendation, and my VA pulmonology clinic called me to let me know that it should be here soon!! Yay!! I'm getting a newer automatic positive pressure machine in a week or so!! I have a pulmonary function test tomorrow at 3. Oh yea...just love those.. :/

I got the all clear from them on my post op check up after my colonoscopy. Great news!! Bad news from that, I have diverticulosis. Not severe, just a few little ones. I had two benign polyps. I have to have another one in a year...ugh!! Oh well!! That's how it goes!

Since we got Ferdinand running again, I got to the gym yesterday and man did I miss that!! I hope I get back to the Monday, Wednesday, Friday routine too. I am going to keep the walking up too. I started wearing my little pound and a half weights on my ankles. The fun thing there is that I can actually fasten these now!! I haven't been able to for a while now!! lol!! I have other ones that are 5 pounds each, but I'm not going to do those just yet! Soon though!!

In other news, I started to crochet the texting gloves for donation. I made a few adult sizes, and am working on some childrens sizes. They are mostly mesh, with a few solid ones in the adult size.
I hope that shows up..that is the adult size.

Well, I have to go for now, and I hope everyone is continuing on with their journeys!! I'm here rooting you on!!

Lu =^.^=

27 June 2014


Its Friday!! The end of the work week for most and the start of the weekend!!!
I hope everyone has been well, and continuing on with your weight loss!
I have a new food deterrent in my arsenal, but one I didn't choose. I have a mouth rinse that I have to use twice a day until I go have the teeth out. YUCK!!!! It makes you spit green..lol!! I used it last night, and man, it is NASTY! But I guess that is what it's for, to get rid of bacteria, etc hiding in your teeth, etc. or some such. I figured I'd wait until I ate my lunch, then use it. That way I wouldn't be tempted to eat anything else.
I did that last night, about a half hour after I used it, oh boy, big mistake!! Made me downright nauseous!!
My hubs was laughing as I was brushing my teeth before using the rinse, and I asked him why. His response? "Kind of a moot point to do that now, isn't it?? They are coming out soon." Lord, gotta love that big ol' lovable fart!!

I just started on the second phase of the new meds too, and am trying to deal with the minor dizzys. Learning not to move my head real fast, or get up quickly. That is a minor side effect of the Gabapentin. Just re-read the paper that comes with it, and another side effect that I hope doesn't appear: weight gain! AHH! I just had to deal with that when I was taking mobic for pain! I think I'll be able to deal with it and continue on the downward journey!
The hubby is going to take me swimsuit shopping!! I told him I need some other things, as my ...um .lingerie is not quite fitting as it should!!

Well, I'm off!! Going to attach those 1.5 lb leg weights on and go take a 20 minute walk! Have a great day today and a fantastic weekend!! Remember too, if you slip up a little, or a lot, don't sweat it!! It was only a little blip in your journey, and you can go right back to what you were doing!! A little indiscretion in eating is NOT going to be failure! It won't put back all that you have lost to this point,so just move on!!

Now, to grab my crochet hook off of Squeek before he takes it Lord knows where!!

Love you all!!

Lu =^.^=

26 June 2014

Well, lets see how this day progresses!! I had a little bit of a junk food breakdown yesterday..lol!! I think it was ok though, as I was still under my daily intake! I started out trying to eat less carbs, and now that seems to be really a difficult thing to manage for some reason.
I think I will have to get back to limiting the starchy carbs again. I think once we get our propane tank refilled, it may not be so hard. I will just have to eat those burgers on a plate instead of a bun...lol!! I won't even blame the hubby, even though he said since you have lost that weight, you can have a fry or two. Um, no sweetie, I don't think so. Not for the time being. I have to redo the menus's again. I actually let him talk me into getting steak fries and tater tots!!! AHHHH!!!!
Now to kick it in the rear, and get going again!!
I still eat what I want, in moderation of course!! And I have been, in Emeril Lagasse's famous line,"KICKING IT UP A NOTCH"!!with my exercise. Since we were having so much trouble with my beastie, I haven't been able to go to the gym. All I've been able to accomplish at home is a good walk.
Thats great, if that is all you can do. Always remember that!! ANY exercise is better for you than none at all!! Even typing on the computer is exercise, and you can even make that a good stretching session if you want!! Try standing and typing, or move your chair back, and if you can, squat in front of the desk, and type!! There are a lot of things you can do to move!!
I think I'm going to grab my leg weights and go for a short brisk walk!!! lol, or try to!!

Have a great day everybody!!

Lu =^.^=

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