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17 April 2015

It's Friday!

I just accidentally deleted a journal I had spent 10 minutes on...ggggrrrr!!
I hate that..

Now to try to remember what I wrote.

I'm getting a new chair today. I bought it from the local thrift shop. It is a rocker, dusty rose in color. Not fond of that, but I can always pop a throw over it..lol! It has a foot stool that comes with it. I have a little round moon chair that I got from Walmart that I use for when I crochet. I have to constantly evict one of the cats from it and remind them. "That is mommies chair" lol!

I hope the hub can get it tomorrow.

He let me get a treadle sewing machine from a lady I had met in a store. She was looking for a small coffee pot, and I had told her where they were. We just started talking. Isn't that how that happens..lol. Well, she had this machine she couldn't get rid of, and said the local antique stores didn't want it. I got it from her for $50! Went to her house, and it was in great shape! I just couldn't believe no one wanted it! It came with a new belt, a buttonholer, a zigzag attachment, and a ruffler and hemmer attachment, plus a big sewing box with lots of thread and bobbins, etc! I checked online for the registration number, and it is a 1926 model 66 Singer treadle machine! My major lucky purchase for the year so far! It still works too! I love that thing better than my electric one!

On to ATF...Getting back in the swing of eating healthier again. Its not all that hard anymore for me to ditch the processed, chemical laden foods. I have to sit down a little later and write up my grocery list. I have to make a hers and his list again too. The hubs can eat anything it seems..lol! He takes so much junk in his lunch. I've been trying to get rid of the cakes and stuff, but *sigh* that battle has become a stalemate of sorts.

Trying to decide on where to eat dinner. He has been taking me out on Friday nights for quite some time now. Some places I can use the FS ap for, some I have to guesstimate. Maybe Ryans. Probably be Cracker Barrel. He likes to go there, but I have to guess portions, etc. Its all good though!! I know what I can have and what not. The hardest one is the Chinese restaurant, or my favorite Mexican restaurant. Those are big guesses. This little Mex place is local, but oh so good!!

Well, I hope everyone has a fantastic day today!! Keep up all the great work and keep on moving!!

Love ya!!
=^.^= Lu

ps...the sun just popped out!! Guess I'm going for a walk!!

16 April 2015

It may be raining, but I don't care!!
I know I have to be careful on not losing to quickly, but I think this was fluid. I've been drinking lots of water, with a touch of lemon juice since Monday, and man, the potty runs!! That sure made me realize how little water I had been drinking!

I'm going to do my twice weekly weigh in for a little while. Monday's after the Dr visit, and Thursdays. That will give me a little better idea of how I'm doing each week. I hate that scale, but it is a necessary little evil!

I just got sidetracked by an ad, showing an egg in an avacado...that looked sooooo goood!! May have to do that...Hmmmm.

OK, so, initial 6lb drop. I'm going to have to keep an eye on that. Not too fast, stays off longer...just have to remind myself of that! The Dr had given me a print off of a "1200 calorie diet". More like a paper with suggestions! I told her, I had gotten one before for a 2300 cal, but I put myself on 1800. Thats enough to lose on, nice and slow and consistant. That 1200 cal would be way to little, too fast, and doomed to bingeing, in my opinion. She kind of looked at me with suprise, and said yep, but after you get down more, you will have to reduce your calorie intake for your new weight. I said, yep, know that, and she just smiled and said I guess you got a handle on this. Wish more of our patients were as informed!

Its just common sense to me, that you research what you plan to do!! I also have enough experience on weight loss, that I should maybe write a book too!! lol!! I was a yo yo dieter for so long it isn't even funny. Well maybe just a little!!

I just know that "diets" don't work. It has the word "die" in it. When you restrict what you can eat, by eliminating certain foods, you then crave those foods to your detriment! And you binge, you give up, and gain back what you lost plus some more!!

I just know what works for me. I just had to get right in my head, come clean with myself on why I ate and gained like I did, and get to work on eating healthy! I still eat what ever I want, just in moderation! I go by portion size as well as calorie count. I keep track of that, and know when I can fudge a little. I'm getting exercise, by walking at least 20 minutes. I make sure I'm going fast enough to be slightly out of breath. Which, for someone with COPD, isn't hard!!

Many of you already know how I go about this journey, but I have a few new buddies, and I just want them to know, it really isn't that hard!! We make it hard sometimes, because we don't want to change, and the stubborness kicks in, and the excuses. I'm learning to accept myself for WHO I AM, not what SIZE I AM!!

I was getting lazy, gained back 40 pounds, both by 2 rounds of Predisone, and using that as an excuse for gaining the weight! I had to give me a swift kick in the keester, because I was having trouble breathing again, and that is a BIG issue! Also was having a little bit of trouble tying my shoes too...two big indications that I got off track!

Enough of the rambling..lol!! I hope everyone is doing well!! Keep up your journeys, and just remember, you aren't alone! You have a whole community here that is in it with you, and can give you a hand up when you fall, and catch you when you stumble!! Just remember also to Love Yourself for WHO YOU ARE!!

Love you all!!

=^.^= Lu
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
119.6 kg 11.1 kg 6.2 kg Reasonably Well
   (2 comments) Losing 5.7 kg a Week

15 April 2015

It's hump day!!

I hope I can get my self together and get back into the swing of journaling and recording my food and exercise again. I haven't been to the gym in months, but that is a financial issue, and with the spring upon us, I can get back outside for walks several times a day.

I went back to my Dr on Monday, to get my phentermine prescription refilled. I hated to do that, but my metabolism has slowed down so much over the winter it isn't funny. At least it will give me that jump start I need to get going again! The nice thing, I will have weekly weigh ins at the office, and this 'scrip will last me 2 months instead of one. I take them every other day, and it works just fine!

I just found and added to the data base a nice little snack from Sargento, called Balanced Breaks. I found them in Walmart near the cheeses. Its a 3 tray pack, and one tray is 180 calories, with 7 grams of Protein. The one I got was Natural sharp cheddar cheese, sea salted cashews,& cherry juice infused dried cranberries. Pretty tasty!

I need to get back to the higher protein, lower carb eating I had been trying to keep up with. I've made myself a nice big bowl of sliced cucumbers,green onions and diced tomatoes, with a little bit of italian dressing, for snacking on and to replace potatoes in my suppers.

The hubby and I went to Wally world last night to actually get cat food, and I ended up getting a pack of bacon, 4 cans of spinach, the sargento, and some coffee creamer. lol...never fails!
While we were in the check out, I saw a Milky Way Midnight. I ADORE those!!
I picked it up, and the hubs gave me the side eye glance. I said, I can have this for dessert. He still side eyed me, but didn't say anything. I said maybe I could cut it in thirds, and eat one piece for dessert. No comment.... then I said, no, I better not, and put it back. I got the biggest smile from him..lol! Still said nothing, but has been supportive of me getting back in the swing of loosing the weight!

He gets a little grumpy about walking with me in the evening, but he still goes with me. I understand the grump too. He works pretty hard all day. I'll be getting evening walks in every other day during the NHL playoffs though, starting tomorrow.

Well, enough of the rambling!! Have a glorious day everyone!! Remember, Love is the greatest of all things, and learn to Love yourself as you love others!!

Love ya all!!
=^.^= Lu

14 April 2015

Tuesday, the first day back and recording again!

It rained buckets last night, and it's a little cooler today. A grey and overcast, yucky type, I'll stay in and sleep kind of day. I'm going to kick my self in the pants and get myself out for a walk, after I have a bowl of shredded wheat..lol!!

I just bought a box of weight watchers chocolate mini wheats at Big Lots, and I think I'll have a bowl. I've already had one cup of coffee, got that logged, and still in my jammies.

Never let anyone tell you that when you get your teeth pulled (all of them) that you will lose weight. Nonsense. I ended up going back to all that food that I had eliminated. Mashed potatoes, noodles, ramen noodles, bread, some processed things like velveta mac and cheese, mainly because it was soft, and I couldn't chew anything else. I was a little self conscious at first, going out without teeth, but I got over that.

I realized that it was just vanity, being seen toothless. It was partly my fault, but I had so much bone loss according to the dentist, that I really had to wait to get my plates, until I had healed at least 4 months. Now I have to deal with getting these things fitting right. I could write several journals on the trials and tribulations of getting your dentures to fit and not choke you to death when you are trying to eat a salad, and they decide that they are coming loose, despite the adhesive you have on them.....

I do rather enjoy the fact that I can now eat a salad without trying to add my tongue into it. I have bitten my bottom lip to the point that it hurt to just smooch the hubby. My tongue had gotten the same punishment, but now it is getting to the point that it just dances out of the way when those pieces of acrylic get to masticating!!!

On another track, anyone out there enjoying Ramps this spring?? The boy down the road seems to have found himself a nice patch that he has been jealously guarding the location of, and has been taking care of for the last 2 years. I'm proud that he doesn't over harvest it, and lets it propagate. The hubby is much dismayed, because I just bought a mess(bunch) of ramps from said boy. Can't beat getting a nice bag for $2. Cleaned and in a baggie...lol! The fridge smells horrid, even with them in 2 plastic freezer bags...lmao!

I plan on making them in bacon and spinach, to try to avoid the potatoes, but just may make them the way I grew up on, fried with bacon and sliced potatoes. I don't know yet. I just have to prepare to not have any affection from the hubs for about a week after consuming said delicacy!!

Well, I'm off to try to get my potato bin installed and some taters planted. I plan on canning them in pints for the hubby. He's also going to remake my garden bed, so I can get to it and tend it better. I'm a little rusty at adding links and pictures, so here is my attempt, and what it will resemble...
This one is 8 x 8, but mine will be 2 ft on each side, 2 ft walkway, 12 to 14 inches deep, 12 to 14 ft long, with the high fencing to repel the deer, and local feral cats,(which I feed, lol).
The link is to eartheasy.com. They have some nice beds, but I'll let the hubs build it.

Have a great day everyone, and keep up that great work!!

=^.^= Lu

13 April 2015

Whew!! It has been a while!! I didn't fall off the face of the earth, even though it seemed like it. I had some issues I had to tend to. But now I'm back!!
I have gained 41 pounds back, due to 2 rounds of prednisone, winter, and my own fault. Also to the fact that since I have had all my teeth extracted, I ended up eating everything I had eliminated from my diet. Sheesh.

Since my last journal entry, I had the bottom teeth pulled. I love fresh veggies, but you (me) just cant get anywhere with a carrot stick with no teeth!! Or lettuce, fresh spinach, or cauliflower...ugh!! I had to eat everything cooked to death, and mushy. I did manage to eat pizza, so all the breads, and starches were back. I was so tired I couldn't stand it!! Still am, as I'm just now getting back to salads, and cucumbers!

I went to my other doc and got a physical and am back to start again!! Lets see how long it takes me to lose that gained 69 pounds to get me to 200!! Thats my new starting goal. I had already lost 75, gained back 41 and now starting over!

I finally got my teeth in February. Boy is this an experience! I had to learn how to talk and eat again..lol!! I still get a little muffled talking, and I can eat crunchy stuff and carrots and lettuce again!! Now, if I can just keep these dumb things in my mouth without a ton of denture adhesive I'll be stellar!

Hope everyone has been doing well, and I'll check up on you all, and I hope I will get on here at least once a day again! I missed everyone!!

Keep up that great work, and I'm back on here rooting for you!!

=^.^= Lu

pumakitten's Weight History

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