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23 February 2014

Up a pound but Tom is visit in so not too shabby all th ings considered.....also explains my craving for chocolate. O.O the tricks to not eat chocolate and sweets isn't working. Lol so I've had candy the last few days. Not much just 1-3 pieces each day for the last 3 days. Usually I can get around th e craving with fruit or other sweet substitutes. But the subtitutes just aren't cutting it right now.

I work today and tomorrow then have 4 days off in a row. So I'm going to visit my Mom! Haven't seen her since Christmas. So I'm very excited about that. I applied for my passport jan 323rd and haven't received it yet. Nor is it being processed. So I will have to raise Sondheim about that tomorrow at the clerk of courts office ad the passport info customer support number. I might be re-applying for one on wednesday in a different county clerk of court office. Reeeeeeeeeally peaked about it. My sister sent hers off the same day and had hers before valentines day. Grr. No passport. No Canada trip. >. < Bought my luggage for this weekend and my hips have shrunk to the point I should fit in the air plane seats. So yeah. Grouchy grouchy grouchy about my passport.

Thats it for now. Hoping to see a loss on the scale in a week or so.

17 February 2014

NEW LOW!! :D Woot!! Going to try and get out of the 290's by the end of the month!! 2.5lbs in 11 days...very possible! Walk, water, work! That's the plan!

On another note since it's my day off and it should hit 70 today, I put on a tank top from last summer that I love because its slinky cool and soft and flowy and it's definitely on the baggy side!! So I'm wearing a black sports bra under it because my white and black striped bra was showing under it. lol. Such a good feeling. And I talked to a friend of mine today who lives in the big city and she wears a size 26 in jeans, which is the size that has gotten baggy. So in another few weeks I'm going to give her the jeans I've shrunk out of. :D

Spending the day with my hubby since he's off work. Jules has daycare/school. And we're going shopping in the city for a few things. Then a friend of mine is stopping by in the afternoon.

That's all for the day folks.

16 February 2014

15 February 2014

Up today, but not unexpected after I had kfc for lunch yesterday. It was either that or nothing. So I chose to eat. Even with that I still had negative calorie deficit per my body media fit. Just need to flush all the extra sodium out. I have to say the kfc while good. Made me almost sick after I ate it. Also compared to what I have been eating it was very rich and their bbq sauce was almost a little much.

I'm off to get my daughter's portraits this morning. Also need bagels, sugar and coffee from the store. And that's the plan. lol. I have work at 3-9:30 tonight. Laundry is in the dryer for that. Also already cleaned poop out of a kennel, washed a load of puppy blankets, and gave the puppy a bath..did all that before coffee. I also have Jules dressed minus shoes, and I'm fixing to get dressed. Then we're headed out!

14 February 2014

Still coming back down in weight. I don't have much more to go before I'm back at my lowest low. Really need to get some exercise in though. >.<

So my Valentine's day was Interesting. I started the morning off with a phone call to discuss a dog's testicles and wether or not they were swollen...before I had coffee. Jules and the dogs slept in (usually a great thing..but I have to get Jules to school by 9am) I didn't get a phone call til 8. However they were messaging me on facebook around 6am about dog testicles. yeah..

After that I dropped Jules off at school (right at 10am..just in time for her lunch) >.> Then I drove to the city with Pixyl my boston puppy to pick up her new kennel that I found on craigslist. It was advertised as a medium kennel with 3 doors, a tray and food bowls.

Well of course I had to stop at the bank to get money for it...and I left the car running so the puppy would have air on her while I was in the bank..and I locked the car doors ...and locked my keys in the car..yeah. I don't always lock my keys in my car. But when I do, I lock the spare ones in too. -___-

So I called my husband who works 20mins from where my car was to come help get it open. Takes him an hour to get there. He had to go by 5 stores to find wire coat hangers. The store chain I work for carries was the last store he stopped at. >.< He did redeem himself by getting my car open in 20mins once he got there though.

So at this point its noon. I get to the guy who has my new kennel only to find out it's not a medium's a LARGE kennel! lol. It could fit a full grown golden retriever...and I have a 4lb, 9 week old boston terrier puppy in it. lol. I figured I can get a divider for it, and when I go to my Mom's I can just take the big kennel and put the divider in it for the dogs. It'll be plenty big enough even when Pixyl is full grown.

Oh did i mention I had to be at work at 3pm today? yeah. It's an hour drive from where I picked the kennel up. So I get home at 1:20 after all is said and done, and Immediately get ready for work! I have to be there at 2:40-2:45. And we were slammed all night. Biggest deposit I've had since I've started working at the store. I did get all my tasks done for the day though. :) So that was good.

And came home to a tired irratable husband who has a headache, Jules still wide open at 10pm and the dogs super happy to see me. So yeah. Then I get grilled about 'what do you do all day after you drop Jules off at school' >.< This week has been crazy.

Usually I get dishes, laundry, shower, journal, a walk, taking care of dogs, grocery shopping, weighing lunch, cooking lunch, cooking meat for Chris and Jules dinner, floors, packing my dinner, and getting ready for work and getting to work on time. Also keeping in touch with my family, and friends I rarely see.

In the 6 hours 'I have the house to myself' I miss Jules and Chris and am envious of the time he gets to spend at home with her during the week. I guess he just doesn't understand and views taking care of her as a job and duty and is tired that he 'never gets a night off' Which I take to mean he doesn't get a night to sit around the house and play on his computer and not have to worry about being a parent. Gah. >.< Makes me so mad. Almost makes me want to stay F-it and put in my 2 weeks notice.

I work 30 hours a week. Night shifts. And every weekend but his drill weekends. And never get to come home to the house is a state of restfulness. I get home at 9:30-10pm. Jules should be asleep. No ifs ands or buts. Asleep. The dogs welcome me home then settle down. Then the Hubby starts with his list of issues he's had with Jules and the dogs, and hasn't gotten to rest at all. Well hell. Just makes me madder the more I think about it.

Wednesday night I came home and gave 3 dogs a bath, and made Jules stay in her room and lay down before I could go to bed. Just because I look for the good everyday and have a sunny, happy go lucky attitude each day doesn't mean I don't have a rough night at work, or I'm not exhausted when I get home. Or my shoulder isn't killing me like it is tonight. I also smashed the knuckle on my middle finger at work tonight. Bruised it good. But it works, it's sore, and will heal and won't keep me from doing things.

I have days where customers get disgruntled when I ask them for their ID when they buy ciggerettes, booze, or cough medicine. It's company policy, and I could lose my job if I don't. I don't care if your 40 or 60, you get carded. The company doesn't care either, they want me to check your Id. I bruise my knees, hips and arms fairly often, usally only dime to quarter sizes from bumping into things.

My hands are scraped and have pink scars already from nicks and cuts I've gotten stocking things in the store...the shelves bite. My musles get sore, and my feet hurt some nights. But I don't complain. I just carry on, and stay positive. I just want a little understanding about how demanding my job is. And a little peace when I come home. Not a big heap of 'my day sucks because I couldn't sit on my butt and I had to step up' Gah.

I get in 8k-10k steps every day. Most of which running around at work. I don't complain much. Even with all the craziness of dog testicles and locking my keys and puppy in my car today I was in a cheerful upbeat mood, until I got home and got grouched at on Valentine's day. For Valentines day my husband got my keys out of my car, told me I don't do enough around the house and bought me a single rose. I have to say the rose surprized me...i was thinking he got me nothing. Completely didn't expect it. But I'm still grouchy and upset by it all.

So tomorrow I'm going to take Jules with me and pick up her pictures, and spend time with her before I have to come home and go to work. And also to give my Husband a few hours to do whatever he wants before he has to be a parent and watch our daughter from 3-10pm.

Sorry for the Rant. I'm just tired and mad, and upset. Time to let the dogs out one last time and call it a night.

Kedrake18's Weight History

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