jb0301's Journal

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19 August 2007

I didn't get breakfast in this morning. I was sleeping soundly when my husband informed me that I needed to get my lazy hiney out of bed if we were going to make church. UGH! So, we made church (I just didn't have time to make breakfast), and afterwords I was so hungry. Hubby asked if I wanted Taco Del Mar. They are very yummy, but the fried corn tortillas, not very phase 1 friendly. We decided to head to Wendy's where I could get a salad and he ate a hamburger dubbed the Baconater. His burger and fries smelled really good, but I still enjoyed my salad and kept my paws off his food. It was tough not to steal a fry or two...but I am determined to be serious about getting back to where I feel healthy and comfortable in my own skin. Feeling good about myself is more important than enjoying a french fry. I am off to the store to find a birthday present for my nephew and to do some grocery shopping (god, I lead an exciting life - NOT). I hope everyone has had a marvelous weekend!!!

18 August 2007

I started my day by getting lost trying to find the dentist office. I am directionally impaired. I could get lost in a paper sack. But alas, I found the office and surrived the visit. I had a wonderful afternoon with my husband. We went out to lunch (instead of dinner), and yes I managed to behave myself. I had a salad and my steak. No potatoes, despite the fact they looked really yummy on my husband's plate. I simply asked the waiter to replace my sides with a salad. In other words, if they aren't on my plate AT ALL...it will be so much easier to behave myself. We went to the movies, and then came home and just hung out and enjoyed the quiet. It will all come crashing to an end tomorrow when the girls come home from camping, and Monday when the boys return from their visit with their dad. I love my kids to bits, they are my world...but it was wonderful to get some adult time with my husband. Now, I need to sit down with my notebook and do that whole menu planning thing that I have been putting off for days.

17 August 2007

So, I am obiviously writing much later than usual. Today was a crazy day, in other words a typical Friday. I got up and had to run to Wally World (Wal-Mart). The girls are camping with their grandparents this weekend and could only locate one pair per kid. And that was not going to work, so off to find socks and various other household items before I have to be at work. Work was nonstop all day long! Not a single minute to surf the net, whew!

My in-laws were picking up the girls from karate, we were almost a half late to karate (I ended up working late). And then they decide to have us all go to Taco Bell and eat dinner together. I did get questioned multiple times, was I sure I didn't want anything. And I was good, no thank you...I will get something when I get home. There is simply nothing SBD phase 1 friendly about Taco Bell. My husband was sure I was going to expire because I didn't eat (because I look like one of those starving kids on tv-NOT). We were given a gift certificate to a restaraunt from a friend, we will probably use it this weekend (as it is our last kid free weekend). That is my looming temptation. It's a seafood and steak place, and since I don't do seafood ...steak it is. And that might not be so bad, but passing up the baked potatoe ...ugh, that is gonna take some WILLPOWER. I am going to try to just have steak and salad. We shall see if I manage to stick to my guns, or if I crumble.

I still have to menu plan for next week, dag nabbit. I am almost out of lettuce and there are no cucumbers in the house. This is not good. Tomorrow morning, I will plan tomorrow morning.

16 August 2007

That weigh in now button is tempting me. I know its a bad idea. I just started the diet on Monday. I am feeling better, which is wonderful. I really want to just weigh myself once a week. I don't want to become focused on daily blips. I don't want to be a slave to the scale, besides I need a new one. My scale has a quirky personality. Your weight changes as you stand on it. You bend down to read the numbers better and the dial just goes nuts. Pick a number, any number....this is not the scale that I want to rely on for feedback. I want to go out and buy a decent digit scale that will not require me to guess my weight.

I should start the task of menu planning for next week. It's definately one of my weak spots. I find it difficult to plan the week's menu on my own. I can ask for a little feedback from the family, but for the most part it wouldn't be helpful. They will suggest tacos, pizza, etc. I haven't heard any complaints about what they have eaten this week, and they have been eating the same meat and veggie. I have been making them a pasta side dish. Pasta is something that I cannot eat, diet or not, unless its gluten free. So, its an easy thing for me to make for them. Perhaps if work isn't too busy today I can start checking out recipes and getting ideas so that I am ahead of the game for next week.

15 August 2007

So, far I have stuck to the diet ... and no one has been killed in the process. This is a good thing. I had to run out to the store and replace my frozen celery last night. I think I will have to keep my celery in the big fridge. It's not likely that anyone is going to steal my celery. The lowfat string cheese, the SF jello, those types of things I will have to threaten lives to keep the kids away...but celery should be safe.
My husband has informed me that we are going to visit his Dad for labor day weekend. It's going to take some planning for me to pull off eating right that weekend. His Dad lives in the middle of nowhere. I may have to go out and buy a cooler and bring things with me. I can see my husband rolling his eyes now and whining...do we have to take all this crap, can't you just take a break from this diet thing? You don't need to loose weight...and while its sweet that he loves me regardless of size, it makes me crazy. I don't want him badgering me about my size, that would not be a good thing. But if he could be supportive by encouraging me to do the right things, vs. telling me to take a break or saying I don't need to loose weight. I am not loosing weight for him, its not even remotely about him. It's about feeling comfortable and healthy in my own skin. And just because it isn't always easy to stick to the diet, doesn't mean it isn't worth it to do the extra planning and make the effort. Easy and lazy got me where I am, uncomfortable in my own skin. I have tried to explain this to him, but those lovely rose colored glasses are on tight when he looks at me. We must honestly see two different people when it come to my appearance.

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