Baileyrose85's Journal

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22 April 2014

Just a quick hello to my buddies to let ya'll know I'm still alive... still fat, but still alive. My weight is out of control. Sitting about 183 right now. I feel horrible, I can't stand looking in the mirror and getting dressed in the morning is awful. I haven't lost my motivation completely, but it's definitely not in the front of my brain. Work has been so hectic and my travel schedule over the 8 weeks is rough. I leave Sunday for NH, gone a week. Back for a week, including my birthday, which reminds me that I didn't meet my goal before then. Then gone for a week again in CT. Back for a week, then gone for a week in Portland right before Memorial day. Home for a week and gone for another 3 days in Denver. I do actually have to go to my gym today to make a payment. They haven't been drawing it from my bank account for some reason... hopefully I can convince myself to stay and work out... guess we will see. My MIL is picking up the muchkin from Boys and Girls Club today and won't be dropping her off until about 7:30... I really have no excuse.

On a happy note, I tried a hot yoga class last week and I survived! Hurt for 3 days but I guess I deserve that. 102* and 40% humidity is no joke!

21 February 2014

SO what is the best motivation to keep going on your weight loss journey? For me, it is definitely seeing the scale drop. When I see drops in my weight I feel like my work is not in vain and I am motivated to see more drops. That is absolutely how I feel on this beautiful Friday morning! I got on the scale this morning to see another 1.3 lb drop. 177 even. Only 14.5 lbs away from where I was just before my wedding. I plan to log Monday morning as I am historically lighter on Fridays.

I behaved at dinner last night. I can't stand eating hotdogs without a bun, plus we were having chili dogs so I took one of my Udi's hotdog buns and carved out the middle. All that was left were the outside shell and some fluff around the edges. Still delish and much better for me. I even made sweet potato poofs for the fam and only popped 2 in my mouth! Today's meals so far will be good. High in fat again, but that's not a concern for me. I will have to hunt something down to eat at lunch time because I know this will not be enough for me all day and the last thing I want to do is starve or hunt down something I shouldn't eat.

Planning another lunch time walk today and shooting for the same time we have been making so far this week. The challenge will be keeping up the activity this weekend. I am beyond busy at work and really should come in to catch up some as I am much more productive in front of my double monitors, in my quiet office, with access to the printer, copier, scanner, etc. I also have an appointment to donate blood first thing tomorrow morning, tentative plans with the BFF to hang out and do my nails, and a Nascar (Birthday) event on Sunday for the hubby's BFF that starts at 10am and will go till who knows when. MUST STAY ON IT!!

I have given myself a little goal to help motivate me. I bought this beautiful white VS bikini before the wedding to take on my honeymoon. Well I misplaced it (actually hid it and forgot where I put it) and started to think I might have accidently thrown it away with the bag. I was bummed and went on the honeymoon without it. I found it 2 weeks AFTER we got home from our honeymoon. So I have this brand new bikini that I want to feel comfortable in and be able to wear by this summer. To do that, I need to get back to where I was in July... about 165. Since that was my goal by my birthday in the beginning of May, this is just a little extra push.

Will update later with my stats from the walk. Send motivational thoughts my way! Happy Friday, all!

**EDIT** Walk at lunch was just slightly longer than yesterday but I blame that on a lot of traffic. We have to cross the street twice to do the walk that we do and both times had to wait forever to cross but it was still less than 22 minutes. 1.18 miles in 21:35. Average pace 18.09 per mile and 156 calories burned. I didn't really go get anything for lunch, instead I found the bag of beef jerky I had in my car and am munching on that. It is a pork tenderloin and veggies night so I am pretty satisfied with my day and eating choices. Just gotta keep it up through the weekend.

20 February 2014

Day 3 of dragging my co-worker around the block :) It was easier today. It seemed like we were going slower than yesterday when in fact, we beat our time and pace just slightly. 1.19 miles, 21.23 minutes, 156 calories and an average pace of 17.57 per mile. Yaay for us! The scale rewarded my diligence this morning with a significant drop. 3lbs! But I will not log it until next week so I am not logging a loss then adding a gain after the weekend. Hopefully that loss will increase by another pound or two. Technically, according to the Mayo Clinic BMI calculator, I have hit my BMI goal but I need a little more padding to feel comfortable with it. My scale usually reads a few pounds lower than a doctors scale or a gym scale.

I am doing great with my eating except for being a little high on the fat because of the mayo in my egg salad this morning. Last night I bought a jar of expeller pressed canola mayo which I believe is a little lower in fat than my best foods. Hopefully it tastes the same and I can use that from now on. I don't eat a lot of mayo but when I do, the taste is a major factor. My major food goal is to stay low on the carbs. Fruits and veggies are fine but I need to stay away from all grains. I just feel better when I do.

Last nights dinner was a salad with some yummy marinated pollo asado on it. Just something I picked up at Whole Foods and threw together. I made tacos for the fam and a taco salad for me. I have no clue what I am doing for dinner tonight since I didn't pull anything out... maybe my yummy uncured beef hotdogs. It will definitely be a "winging it" kinda night.

I couldn't be happier that it is Thursday. Hopefully all of my plans pan out for the weekend and I can keep on track.

Good luck today everyone!!

19 February 2014

New weight loss motivation came today.... in the form of my work health plan... I work for a huge company and they are self insured with great benefits and I am thankful I have access to them but the changes being instituted this year are a little hard to swallow. We are being reduced from 2 plan options (previously 3) to one with different contribution levels based on your wellness screening results. My biggest issue is I always pay for the higher insurance plan. Lower co-pays and out of pocket deductibles and co-insurance and such. This year we only have one option: Insurance or no insurance. With us planning to have a baby in the next year, that out of pocket max was really important to me. So for the contribution levels... for each part where we meet the company's requirements we get a wellness point. Each wellness point equates to about $10 less biweekly that we have to pay for our coverage. If we (hubbs and I) test negative for tobacco (yes that means a blood test) then we get 2 points, then for each of the other categories if I meet the requirements we get a point a piece. Those categories measurements are: BMI of less than 29.9, blood pressure of less than 140/90, LDL level of 160 or less, and completion of an online health risk assessment. HRA is complete, 1pt. Blood pressure and cholesterol are no problem for me.... 2 more points. I only smoke occasionally and only when alcohol is involved. I had a cigarette while I was in Florida but couldn't tell you when the last time was before that. I should be just fine for my test: another 1pt. I am concerned with hubs meeting the tobacco requirement, or subsequent cessation program that will be required to get that point and me meeting the BMI requirement. My BMI as of now is 30.1 so not too far from where it needs to be but that is based on my scale. I am now setting out to lose 5-6 pounds before 3/3/14 when my screening is.

I power walked with *dragged* my coworker around the block again today. I remembered to bring my good shoes and with them my Nike +. We did 1.18 miles in 21.25 minutes. Approximately 155 calories burned but according to what, I am not sure. If I entered my information in my profile it would have been several years ago when I first got this thing. Pretty proud that I have stuck with the walking for 2 days in a row. I am hoping this is the beginning of getting back on track.

Wish me luck! Have a great day!

18 February 2014

So I survived Florida and Disney World... I never actually went into the park tho :( It was a work trip and we couldn't afford for the family to come too so there was no use for me to spend the time and $$ to go in by myself. Maybe next year. I didn't sleep enough, drank too much, ate too little and came home feeling exhausted, weak and malnourished. Luckily I am feeling back to normal now. The scale went up BIIIG TIME before I left... luckily that was TOM and not weight gain. It was exactly the same this morning as my last weigh in. Now it's all about getting back on track. I am starting to feel like the gym is a myth. I haven't been in months but I have been thinking about it a lot. They just started a new cross training program that I am pretty interested in checking out. The issue is that I have been working 10-11 hour days and by the time I get home all I want to do is eat dinner, try and straighten the house and go to bed. Today at lunch I did drag my coworker around the block... literally. I was about 10 feet ahead of her the whole time. We were sweating and panting by the time we were done and it felt great!!! I used to do that every day... or at least 3 times a week and I miss it. Weather permitting, it will be incorporated back into my daily routine. Hubbs tried to get me to go for a hike on Sunday but at that point I was still so exhausted I had to fight not to stay in bed all day. This weekend will be a different story tho!! I have just shy of 14 weeks until it will be bathing suit weather again and probably only about 16-18 weeks before we are going to start tying for a baby. I need to be at a good starting weight for both of those things and 180 isn't gonna cut it! Happy Tuesday everyone!

Baileyrose85's Weight History

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