BadAndee's Journal

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24 August 2008

Jeez! Yesterday was a blast on this site, I MAY HAVE GOTTEN 3 hours of sleep in all...BUT I don't think any Subsequent days will ever compare to the new friendship bonds that took place! LIke 08, I am addicted to this place, as well as all of YOU!

Hey, if you're feeling bad, sad, down, dejected OR even happy, elated and'll always find someone here who will administer a PAIN PATCH, or a PRIZE RIBBON!!

I'm gonna twist Kim's arm until she gives in and runs with me, darn it! The running starts tomorrow and I'm getting mentally prepared for SHOWTIME!! I haven't worked out when will be the best time to squeeze this event onto my tight schedule, but WHERE THERE'S A WILL, THERE'S A WAY!! lol
BTW, KIM...are you on the low carb challenge??? if not, join that challenge because we all need to have some great future conversations!!

If you haven't noticed it, Gug tried to sneak a JOURNAL past us early this morning! I know, it was a total shock to me as well! A few of us were in deep conversation with her at about 3am this morning...that's when we noticed SHE WAS MISSING!!! After a few minutes of silence, her ADORABLE response to us was, "I was busy journaling" Ha!!! It's a miracle!! LOL

I hope you're all having a terrific Sunday! thank you all for such wonderful and funny comments on my journal this weekend!!

PS Mary Beth AND 08, my dears...DO NOT FORGET OUR DO-OR-DIE PROMISE to each other, ok??? it starts TODAY!!

23 August 2008

Wow!! Looks like you’re ALL IN FOR IT today! I’m in a CRAZY WILD silly mood! LOL! Better protect your journals today from Bad Andee!!! WHO wants to play??? Hmmmm? What story do you want to hear about?? I could show you that lawn I mowed yesterday…so that next time I say I have to get out there and do the mowing; ya’ll feel sorry for me! Maybe you’ll get over here and HELP OUT A LITTLE!! LOL

OR, I could tell you what happened on that HOT DATE last night! Hubby says what happened was ENDEARING and predictable of me…in retrospect, I DID get a kick out of the whole deal!! So what it be, huh??

I’m gonna go refill on coffee and try to “feel” the vibes from you on which story you’ll take today!

OK…I decided it’ll be the ‘date’ update, because tomorrow it will be OLD and boring news!

As expected, it did take a while to get the dirt out from under my nails! 98% of the time, details like that matter zilch…but on this special date with hubby, I couldn’t have people easily guessing what I do for a living, you know! I CAN be feminine once in a while!! I can! (with a little work!)

I’d say it took me 3 hours to get ready! Hubby, who was smart about the whole deal, even called in advance from the office and asked me how much time he should give me to get ready! LOL God, I love him!!

When he finally made an appearance, he showed up at the bathroom door with a handful of roses he had picked from the yard, complete with a few aphids! Of course, he’s sweet and gave out a low whistle when he saw me, BUT to be honest though, I just wanted to shut the door again and go back to freaking out over my stupid dress! Not to mention my shoes weren’t right, and MY HAIR was possessed!!

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

When I saw hubby again 20 minutes later, I was ready…and you should have seen his face! His jaw dropped and there was a moment of utter silence!

I was dressed a little more ME, ya know?! I felt like Punkie Brewster when I stripped off the dress and hopped into my wife beater and Bermuda shorts! Those high heels flew in 2 different directions! That was the beginning of the end of that formal and fancy date!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

We went bowling, competed against each other in a mini-tourney…and then ate at KFC for dinner! Lol After that, we went and saw House Bunny at the movies, and laughed our A’s off the rest of the night!
We probably got home at 1:30am, but the ‘date’ didn’t end until probably 3am…Ha@!! My room is a mess, I have 50 dresses to re-hang AND my hair is still possessed! But my nails are CLEAN! It was DEFINITELY one of our best anniversaries ever, and I’m smiling ear-to-ear!
I had a blast!

22 August 2008

I have a love/dislike relationship going on with Fridays! First the gooey LOVE I have going on is due to it BEING MY DAY OFF after 3pm!!! Yipeee And the dislike of the day stems from YOU ALL!! It seems like all of you slack off on the upcoming weekends and don't even bother pasting a few key strokes on your journals!! WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M SUPPOSED TO DO EVERY MORNING WITH MY CUP OF COFFEE!!?? How about you make some noise out there, purely for my own selfish reasons?? Huh? is that too much to ask?? hee hee!!

I have to go and mow our lawns (with a riding lawn I can't even get a good work-out today!)and blow all the leaves and stuff off the sidewalks so that our weekend walks in the yard will be that much more enjoyable!

I'm getting excited about our HOT date tonight! I made my hubby a little collection of HOT AND SEXY (PG rated, people!!) pictures for our anniversary! It's the first time I've ever done anything so expose' for him. Heck, he will FOREVER tell the story about how when we dated, I made him wait 6 months before I'd kiss him! (which is not exactly true! His version is becoming like a 'fishermans' story! the tale is getting bigger and bigger! He's lying!!)LOL I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE HE WAS THE ONE, YOU KNOW!! LOL These lips can't just be kissing any ol' thang! My mama raised a girl FULL of quality! hee hee!!

So, I'm off to WORK! My favorite thing to do these days! I'll get back into the challenges and get serious first thing in the morning! NO THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'LL ME MISBEHAVING TONIGHT AT DINNER! I'll be good! I promise!


and for your entertainment today:

THIS is what driving into my driveway looks like!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

IF you look hard in the center of this pic, you'll see that GRAPES grow overhead as you drive in!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

and here is a pic of our grapes! They're about 2 weeks shy of getting picked and laid on the ground to become raisins! It's a gorgeous crop this year!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

this is overlooking all of our vines...look at the sky! that's from the fires going on all around us!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

21 August 2008

ah!! forget what I just said! I'm not tired anymore! I sat down here, read some of your journals...laughed and cried at some, even rolled my eyes at a few! You all are soooo colorful and entertaining around here!

Even though I decided to actually SAY something worthwhile on my journal...I still don't want to do work on any of my challenges that I'm on...which, by the way, are way too many!! I'm outta control! I'm gonna make someone mad by screwing up my SIMPLE role on a simple challenge...just you watch! about tomorrow!! My hubby and I have TWO anniversaries! the first one, is of the day we first DATED! We'll be celebrating tomorrow evening IN STYLE!! We're going on a formal date to one of the nicest restaurants in town, dressed formally, of course! For him, he wears the monkey suit every day at the office, so it's nothing much to dress up...but for me...DUDE! it might take me 3 hours to get ready tomorrow! Do you think it's possible to get all that dirt out from under my nails???!!! Oh please oh please say it is!!


ok...that's my journal for the day! hee heee!!
Love you all!

19 August 2008

I’m wishing I didn’t have to tell ya’ll this. It’s so hard. I’m a….I….you see….well….I’m a murderer!”

There! I said it!

Just the other day I was commenting about how I’ve never hit any little animal with the car in my life, which is an AMAZING feat in itself! We live in the country!! Well, now look at what happened! A poor lil’ black and white kitty sprang out of the tall weeds on the side of the road…and that was that! I tried to keep it together, but once we got back onto the road, I ended up crying most of the way home!

Leesah tried to cheer me up by telling the story of the time when she hit an owl that just happened to swoop down and land right in front of the truck she was driving on the country road one night! Her version is humorous, and it did make me smile…for 10 seconds! Then there was another time 5 years ago when she was 16…she and her now-hubby were 4-wheeling down the country road and our neighbor’s little annoying dog ran out in front of them (he was constantly doing that to passing cars!) AND THAT WAS THAT! As she passes me some napkins I had stored up from Carl’s Jr., in the console, she goes into the funny part to that story in which the neighbor, a sweet lil’ old lady, insisted they dig a hole, bury the dog and say some prayers! So, there they were on the side of the road…dead heat of the summer…praying on their knees in the soft hot sand while cars passed!

It was just awful though! I have low profile tires…it felt like I hit something big! Leesah said, “Don’t cry Mom! At least you didn’t have to have a funeral service AND pray on your knees in the middle of on-coming traffic!” It DID get a wry smile out of me...

So…confession is out….but last night, I DID PRAY for kitty, and for my own peace of mind! But I’m sad for someone’s loss. I’m really really sorry kitty!

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