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29 March 2011

Finally got up the hill for a good walk has been so dry the mud is pretty much gone.It is an absolutely gorgeous day!!
Took all the is uphill all the way so that is good and coming back is relaxing.
I enter it as slow 3 mi/hr for 30 min but I was out 40 and the uphill part adds extra but I don't know how to calculate that. good enough for me.
and about 20 minutes of dancing..or so
I have gone from net carbs last week and prior running around 50-70 to 25 and under the past several days..without much effort at all..if any.

I think the shift happened after my several days of extreme peeing on the "restart" of my diet and that was several days after the "restart" of consuming bread, ice cream, chocolate.
from about com my cal need stats

You need 1962 calories per day to maintain your current weight without exercise.

You need 1834.4 calories per day to reach your goal weight slowly and maintain that weight without exercise.(Thats about a year slowly which is much too slow for me)

If you reduce your current caloric intake to 1462 calories per day you will lose one pound per week without exercise.
That sounds good or even a bit more..

Exercise and Calorie Needs

If you exercise for 30 minutes each day, you may increase your caloric intake to 2204.7 calories per day and still maintain your current weight.

If you exercise for 60 minutes each day, you may increase your caloric intake to 2508.1 calories per day to maintain your current weight.

If you exercise for 30 minutes each day, you will be able to reach your goal weight with 2061.8 calories per day.

If you exercise for 60 minutes each day, you will be able to reach your goal weight with 2346 calories per day.


The United States Department of Agriculture suggests that approximately 50 percent of your calories come from carbohydrates, (how else will they make money)about 30 percent from fats, and approximately 20 percent from protein sources. One gram of protein has about four calories, one gram of fat has about nine calories, and one gram of carbohydrate has about four calories.

You need 245.3 grams of carbohydrates, 64.7 grams of fat, and 98.1 grams of protein per day for 1962 calories to maintain your weight of 185 pounds.

You need 229.3 grams of carbohydrates, 60.5 grams of fat, and 91.7 grams of protein per day for 1834.4 calories to maintain your goal weight of 155 pounds.

wow that is shocking..I cannot imagine eating that many carbs and losing wonder there is so much obesity.
I definitely cannot consume anywhere near that much protein on a daily basis.

28 March 2011

6.30 pm..
had 2 PC all beef jumbo franks and about 1 cup green beans. Feel quite full but want a piece of cake.
I am going to pretend eat a piece of a nice light homemade white sponge cake with a creamy chocolate icing.
Som how I don't think a MIM will cut it, but I may just make some chocolate icing later with my leftover whipping cream and some cream cheese and I can "try it" on a cinnamon mim.(It's really the creamy chocolate icing that I want.

I have actually been consuming quite fewer net carbs the past couple of days.
I am actually concerned that my appetite is as low as it is..must be burning lots of body fat.
Really I am eating because I feel I should not so much because I am this is a good thing..I think.

I definitely do not have the carb cravings I was going through when I first started back in January..I barely even think about bread..mostly as an item to put other food on.

chocolate..I know I would love a Lindt truffle..or 2.
I am going to save that up and enjoy some maybe in 2-3 more weeks.

I'm kind of running out of things to eat.
I'm a bit tired of beef, not eating chicken these comes and goes..same with eggs..
and I do not really eat fish other than canned salmon and sometimes tuna.
Having canned salmon again today.
Don't feel like pork for dinner.
well maybe I could have a jumbo frankfurter or some sausage since I am doing so well with my carbs.

27 March 2011

I'm kinda going backwards but in a good way.

I realized when I started my new eating plan in January although I omitted grains and almost all processed foods I just could not get my carb level down without giving up my yogurt and some other veggies like squash which I really love. I was also consuming Werthers sugar free (about 10-15 carbs worth / I adjusted to the loss of chocolate in my life.

Being 59 and having eaten a high carb cakey bready kind of diet a good part of my life and also high fat (nothing like bread smothered in butter) or even better cinnamon rolls it was hard to impossible to go low without serious cravings.

I was consuming about 70-100 carbs a day and still feeling good and losing weight and inches but I was also walking 10000 steps a day.
Mid feb came and the exercise stalled and I missed the emotional spirit lifting foods such as ice cream, chocolate and cinnamon buns so I went out and treated myself. I was in a bit of slump for several weeks and I can't recall exactly when I decided to try induction type but I think about 2 weeks I restarted and could not get through a week on less than 50 carbs...BUT hwhat I have noticed is that everyday that passes I miss carbs less and fact I feel I could live on meat and fat alone...if it were good meat like prime rib or brbq pork ribs.

the last couple of days I don't think I have even eaten 20 grams of net carbs..or maybe a tad the lesson from this is to trust and listen to your body..recognize what has changed and go with it.

I had those few days of hourly trips to the bathroom and now my energy is high high and my spirits good..
I almost do not even want chocolate..I definitely do not miss or crave it the way I used to.

I don't like counting things..but I can accept counting the olives in my greek salad.
everything else is more or less a guestimate unless stated otherwise.

27 March 2011

Inches down a bit.
waist at 38 which is my main indicator.
(waist Jan 6 first measurement=40.25
waist Feb 11 =39 march 17= 38)
hips 44 today-this is not so much hips as hips plus belly (hips Jan 6=46.5 20th 45.5 ,feb 11 = 45 march 17 =44
Was a bit worried as I had seemed to actually "grow" the past several days and was feeling a bit bloated and "fatter". waist was 1 inch more.
Had also been peeing madly every hour or so and this was a good 7-8 days after restarting low carbs a bit more Atkins style.
That is also more normal now.

Also more active past couple of days..working back up to 10000 plus steps and 20-30 minutes or more of dancing..not necessarily all at once but a song or 2 at a time.
Dancing really lifts spirits too and gets the mojo going for the day.

Keep an eye on the soya re bloating/intolerance. Trying to keep the carbs as low as possible.
Tried a MIM yesterday evening and really enjoyed it.
MIM for breakfast. Made a savoury with some parmesan cheese and a dollop of Liberty TzatzikiYUM. Had put the splenda in first and it would have been fine without it., but was also ok with it.

25 March 2011

I love my squash and I guess a bit too much for dinner last night. I swear I could eat an entire Butternut squash in one sitting. 21 g carbs from squash alone I fear for dinner last night. At least I given up adding the bron sigar..what it must have been when I was doing that!! I love most veggies..squash is my favourite and pumpkin pie is yummy. parnsips or peppers, especially green peppers. I can accept a small amount of cooked red, orange, yellow. I had a soya shake yesterday and feel fullish tody as if retaining water although I have been peeing very often both yesterday and today. Wonder if soya may not agree with me. I also had a bit of fried tofu for dinner. Can't think of what else it might be. Did not have yogurt yesterday trying to keep carbs done but blew it with the squash. Good thing I did not have both.

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